RoadEng V11 - Core Training
This course focuses on core functions in RoadEng software for a road design workflow. The course example is based off of LiDAR data, but the key workflow elements are common to nearly all road (and corridor) projects.
Course Introduction
How the Course Works - Navigation
How the Course Works - Using the Course
Getting Ready for Training - Tutorial File Installation
Getting Ready - RoadEng License
RoadEng is Modular
Survey/Map Module
Terrain Module
Location Module
Video: Introduction & Typical Workflow
Typical RoadEng Workflow for Designing a Road
Introduction to Importing Spatial Data
Video: Importing a Shape File
Exercise: Importing a ShapeFile
Video: Importing a KMZ
Exercise: Importing a KMZ
Video: Importing LiDAR Data
Exercise: Importing LiDAR Data
Video: Introduction to Terrain Module
Exercise: Terrain Properties Panel
Video: Terrain Modelling
Exercise: Terrain Modelling
Thinning Data
Video: Strategically Thinning Large Datasets on Import
Exercise: Thinning on Import
Video: Strategically Thinning Large Datasets AFTER Import
Thinning After Import
Exercise: Thinning AFTER Import
Learn the fundamentals.